Welcome to my website. I apologize for the mess, it's currently under construction. When it's finished, you'll get to read my mission statement, the reason why I built this site, some facts about me, and see some links of interest. But for now, just enjoy the little bit of nothing I currently have.

Here's a little bit about me. I'm six foot even, male, with dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes. I would like to write for a living, but I don't have the creativity to do so. I'm former military, but I don't like to relive the experience. I have mental problems related to my service in the US Air Force, but i won't get into that here.

I've spent the better part of 18 years writing in various formats, but only in the past six or seven years have I done anything I deem worthy of readership. My expertise in writing ranges from G all the way to XXX, though my X-rated writings are, in my opinion, in need of a lot of work.

My interest in writing started in elementary school, but my creative writing got a kick when I entered my first chatroom. It was a site called FunkyTimes, which no longer exists. I was introduced to a form of writing known as Role Play, and though said Role Play was silly and nonsensical, it still got the gears in my head turning. Through FunkyTimes, I was introduced to both forums and Fanfiction, and all three I still partake of to this day.